Research has shown that you can take two people with the same structural abnormalities as shown on an MRI’s and one will have pain, and one will not. Why do you think that is? Why do millions of people with pain symptoms not show current tissue damage?
Holistic approaches to healthcare are well-aware of the “Mind-Body” connection. Stress can lead to a physical response in the body called “ischemia,” in which the blood vessels become constricted causing reduced blood and oxygen flow to the muscles. When the body maintains this stressful state for prolonged periods of time, this can cause pain, and weakness as well as metabolic dysfunction.
There are many factors when it comes to pain, and mobility and alignment are only one piece of the puzzle. We must also address the following areas for optimal health and wellness:
Nutrition & Hydration
Exercise & daily movement
Mental stress
Emotional stress
Work-Life balance
Time spent outdoors in nature
Metabolic function
Environmental toxicity
Social connection and relationships
Spirituality and life purpose
At Aligned Fitness we provide holistic lifestyle coaching. We also have an established referral base of specialized practitioners to help you meet your wellness goals. We have found that by addressing biopsychosocial factors, we are more successful in restoring alignment and mobility, as well as decreasing chronic pain symptoms.